Leafy Log 34: Flowers from a Bog

Leafy Log 34: Flowers from a Bog

This week we have been planning to put up a new sign placed next to the slough in Herbster to tell people about this beautiful and unusual place. This slough is really also a bog. Leading into Lake Superior, it is a kind of backwater where small streams feed into...
Leafy Log 32: Goldilocks and Baby Bear

Leafy Log 32: Goldilocks and Baby Bear

A little black bear disappeared quickly into the forest next to the trail where I was walking to my garden. Goldilocks would have been distressed, as he wasn’t away from home long enough to visit the bears’ and taste his porridge. Besides, I think he was checking out...
Leafy Logs 31: Painted Ladies

Leafy Logs 31: Painted Ladies

One cold rainy morning recently in northern Wisconsin I was walking along a familiar road and found 2 wet butterflies on the ground. When I returned and identified them, I realized that they were both migrating-type butterflies. One of them, the Monarch, is easily...
Leafy Log 30: Ravens and a Wild Turkey Egg

Leafy Log 30: Ravens and a Wild Turkey Egg

When my dog, Poppy, and I started our walk this morning, there were 3 or 4 ravens squawking across the road. We went over to see what the commotion was about, and they flew away. Like a lot of birds, wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) lay their eggs on the ground....